Welcome to the website of the TCLC/Patterns book project!
This website is hosted by the Trier Center for Language and Communication (TCLC) and will serve as a virtual working environment for future publications. Currently, members of the Patterns network are working on the multi-author volume Pattern Theory in Language and Communication.
Author's conference Volume "Pattern theory in language and communication"
Download Handout for Authors (How to make a submission)
Download Presentation Conference
The Volume
The volume Pattern Theory in Language and Communication will provide a state-of-the-art overview of interdisciplinary perspectives on the nature of patterns in language and communication. In contrast to the terms that come with underlying assumptions about which forces produce pertinent patterns or focus on phenomena that cut across and are, therefore, not compatible with established categories (e.g. ‘rules’, ‘schemata’, ‘frames’, ‘topics ‘, ‘style‘), we define ‘pattern’ as empirical surface phenomena that are identified by researchers in language usage and communication. Putting ‘pattern’ at centre stage, we focus on a strictly empirical, data-driven, and, hence, methodological perspective. The central aim of this book, then, is to lay out and discuss the empirical foundations of research on patterns in language and communication. The volume seeks to bring together different linguistic disciplines and communication and media studies.
The book will be published as an Open Access volume with an internationally visible publisher. Each contribution will be peer-reviewed by at least one external and one internal reviewer. At least one review will represent a perspective from a different research community. Reviews will be double-blind in the first round. Upon acceptance of the contribution, however, reviewers will be invited to publish a short commentary on the basis of their review, which will be published together with the article under their name. This way, we hope that both the process of making the book as well as the book itself will foster dialogue among participating researchers.